Event Details
Which school is the fastest?
All schools are welcome! Both sides of the island! French and Dutch!
The Sint Maarten Road Runners present the 6th Annual Top1Toys Interscholastic Run 2.5km & 5km.
Grab your school's 3 to 5 best runners and come out and have some fun at the St. Maarten Road Runners annual Interscholastic Run.
Free Registration: Online via Facebook Link below OR
Location: Gelateria Milano on the Boardwalk in Philipsburg
Start Time:
4:00pm / 5km – 13-15 years & 16-19 years
5:00pm / 2.5km – 12 years under
The combined times of the best three runners of each team will determine the winners.
* Teams must have at least 1 runner of the opposite.
Oh..and there are awesome prizes for the winning schools!
Come out and support your school!
Then stay on afterwards for dinner at one of the great restaurants on the Boardwalk.
All schools are welcome! Both sides of the island! French and Dutch!
The Sint Maarten Road Runners present the 6th Annual Top1Toys Interscholastic Run 2.5km & 5km.
Grab your school's 3 to 5 best runners and come out and have some fun at the St. Maarten Road Runners annual Interscholastic Run.
Free Registration: Online via Facebook Link below OR
Location: Gelateria Milano on the Boardwalk in Philipsburg
Start Time:
4:00pm / 5km – 13-15 years & 16-19 years
5:00pm / 2.5km – 12 years under
The combined times of the best three runners of each team will determine the winners.
* Teams must have at least 1 runner of the opposite.
Oh..and there are awesome prizes for the winning schools!
Come out and support your school!
Then stay on afterwards for dinner at one of the great restaurants on the Boardwalk.